Fall Recruitment

Fall Recruitment

Here's where you can stage and plan recruitment!

How recruitment works

Phase 1: Marketing

  • Send out social media pushes
  • Flyers

Phase 2: Club Fair

  • Set up table at club fair
  • Hand out these flyers + get sign ups for info session

Phase 3: Info Session with Snacks

  • Order snacks ahead of time
  • Have everyone wear their club t-shirt
  • Appoint an info session team + clean up presentation
  • Present, Q&A time after

Phase 4: Applications go Live

  • Split up applications among readers
  • Kill the link at 11:59PM on the deadline
  • Read applications w/ one day turnover
  • Send acceptances + rejections

Phase 5: Interviews

  • Book a couple rooms for interviews
  • Run interview sign ups the week before to make sure everyone gets interviewed by two people
  • Have everyone fill out the rubric
  • Filter results by numbers

Phase 6: Deliberations and Acceptances

  • Deliberations from 5-10pm the Thursday of
  • Release decisions on Friday